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Sounds in Poetry

How do poets use the sounds of words to convey themes? Whether it be the drama of romance, the joy of playing a sport, or the experience of imprisonment and power the human spirit – what we hear and, in turn, feel can tell an incredible story.

Try out this writing lesson set where your students can explore how Sounds in Poetry convey powerful messages.

CERCA Slides by Grade


Grade 3: Analysis of Baseball

How does Swenson use techniques such as repetition, rhythm, and rhyme to show the joy of playing baseball? (CCSS.RL.3.2-3.6)


Grade 4: It Couldn't Be Done

How does Edgar Albert Guest use sound and repetition to show the power of setting your mind to accomplish something? (CCSS.RL.4.1-4.5; CCSS.W.4.2)


Grade 5: Jabberwocky

How does the poem “Jabberwocky” show readers how sound can create meaning and imagery, even when the words don’t make sense? (CCSS.RI.5.1-5.4; CCSS.W.5.2)


Grade 6: Annabel Lee

How does the poet use sound to convey the beauty of a lost love? (CCSS.RI.6.1-6.6; CCSS.W.6.2)


Grade 7: We Wear the Mask

How does the poet use sounds to convey the conflict the speaker explores in the poem? (CCSS.RI.7.2-7.4; CCSS.W.7.2)


Grade 8: Paired Poetry: Invictus and Much Madness is Divinest Sense

Compare and contrast the way the two poets use rhyme, alliteration, and assonance to convey the theme of personal strength. (CCSS.RI.8.1-8.9; CCSS.W.8.2)


Grade 9: To Althea From Prison

How does the poet use elements of sound to communicate the difficulty of imprisonment and the power of the human spirit in "To Althea From Prison"? (CCSS.RI.9-10.5; CCSS.W.9-10.2)


Grade 10: Revenge

How does Landon use sound to convey the emotion of the speaker toward her former love? (CCSS.RL.9-10.4; CCSS.W.9-10.2)


Grade 11: They Flee From Me

How does the poet convey the drama of a romance using elements of sound? (CCSS.RL.11-12.4; CCSS.W.11-12.2)


Grade 12: Let Evening Come

How does the poet use the sound of poetry to convey her emotions about death? (CCSS.RI.11-12.4; CCSS.W.11-12.2)

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