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Image and Impact

Questioning the impact of images on worldview—from public art to photographs to political cartoons—is something we too often take for granted. With this set of CERCA Slides, students consider the impact of images while building their skills at synthesizing information from multiple sources.

CERCA Slides by Grade

Grade 3 (19)

Grade 3: Inspired Art

How has artist Tyler Gordon used painting to inspire others? (CCSS.RI.3.4-3.8, CCSS.W.3.2)

Grade 4 (20)

Grade 4: Royal Portraits

How did Queen Elizabeth I use portraits to express strength and power? (CCSS.RI.4.1-4.7, CCSS.W.4.2)

Grade 5 (18)

Grade 5: "Join, or Die"

Why did Benjamin Franklin create America's first political cartoon, and how did the meaning of that cartoon change within his lifetime? (CCSS.RI.5.3-5.9, CCSS.W.5.2)

Grade 6 (11)

Grade 6: Book of the Dead

How do images from the Book of the Dead shape our understanding of life and belief systems in ancient Egypt? (CCSS.RI.6.1-6.7, CCSS.W.6.2)

Grade 7 (9)

Grade 7: Iconoclasts vs. Iconophiles

What were the causes and effects of the Iconoclastic Controversy in the Byzantine Empire? (CCSS.RI.7.1-7.4, CCSS.W.7.2)

Grade 8 (10)

Grade 8: Political Cartooning and the War of 1812

What ideas did cartoonist William Charles convey about nationalism and early American culture through his cartoons about the War of 1812? (CCSS.RI.8.1-8.7, CCSS.W.8.2)

Grade 9 (11)

Grade 9: Changing Lenses on Edward Curtis

How have interpretations and opinions of Edward S. Curtis' documentary project, The North American Indian, changed over time? (CCSS.RI.9-9.6, CCSS.W.9.2)

Grade 10 (9)

Grade 10: Muralism in Mexico

Why were murals and public art considered so important in post-Revolutionary Mexico? (CCSS.RI.9-10.7, CCSS.W.9-10.1)


Grade 11: AIDS Memorial Quilt

How did activists use the AIDS Memorial Quilt to bring attention to the AIDS epidemic? (CCSS.RI.11-12.7, CCSS.W.11-12.2)

Grade 12 (8)

Grade 12: Social Reform and Photography

How did Jacob Riis’ graphic photographs and descriptions of urban living inspire housing reform in early twentieth-century New York City? (CCSS.RI.11-12.7, CCSS.W.11-12.2)

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