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Poetry About Ourselves

This set of Cerca Slides is underpinned by the key question, “How do writers use poetry to tell stories about their own lives?”

Students explore point of view, sensory details, and figurative language by analyzing autobiographical poems. Then, students write their own poems on topics ranging from influential figures in their lives to explorations of memory.

CERCA Slides by Grade

Grade 3-Feb-24-2022-02-49-47-69-PM

Grade 3: Piano Playing

Write a poem about an activity that brings you joy. (CCSS.RL.3.1-3.5; CCSS.W.3.4)

Grade 4-Feb-24-2022-02-49-48-61-PM

Grade 4: Love

Write a poem of appreciation to a parent, caregiver, or another important adult. (CCSS.RL.4.1-4.4; CCSS.W.4.3)

Grade 5-Feb-24-2022-02-49-48-68-PM

Grade 5: My Mother's White Rice

Using sensory words and details, write a poem about a food or meal that reminds you of home. (CCSS.RL.5.1-5.4; CCSS.W.5.3)

Grades 6-2

Grade 6: My Pa

Write a poem about an adult who means a lot to you. Use descriptive details to help the reader get to know this person. (CCSS.RL.6.1-6.5; CCSS.W.6.3)

Grades 7-4

Grade 7: Those Winter Sundays

Write a poem about someone who has affected your life in a positive way, but who might not be aware of their impact. Use descriptive, sensory details to show this person's impact. (CCSS.RL.7.1-7.4; CCSS.W.7.3)

Grades 8-Feb-24-2022-02-49-48-46-PM

Grade 8: Colorful Feast

Write a poem about a meal or type of food that is important to your identity. Use sensory language and descriptive details to convey your message. (CCSS.RL.8.1-8.4; CCSS.W.8.3)

Grade 9-Feb-24-2022-02-49-46-30-PM

Grade 9: Hanging Fire

Write a free verse poem about how it feels to be a teenager. Include a refrain and vivid, sensory language. (CCSS.RL.9-10.4; CCSS.W.9-10.3)

Grade 10-Feb-24-2022-02-49-47-86-PM

Grade 10: December, 1919

Write a poem capturing a feeling of loss or describing a challenge that you faced. Write in first person, and use vivid, sensory language to describe your feelings.(CCSS.RL.9-10.4; CCSS.W.9-10.3)


Grade 11: The Reflection

Using sensory details and descriptive language, write a poem that reflects upon present and past versions of yourself. (CCSS.RL.11-12.5; CCSS.W.11-12.3)

Grade 11-12-4

Grade 12: Duty

Write a poem about a family story or event that you do not remember, but have learned about through others’ eyes. Use sensory language to convey what you have heard. (CCSS.RL.11-12.4; CCSS.W.11-12.3)

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