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Our Commitments

An Open Letter to School Boards Who Are Committed To Enabling All of Their Students to Thrive in the 21st Century


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We are passionate about empowering all students with access to 21st Century Skills. We strive to include all of the experiences of the diverse group of students we serve across the country.

In our large selection of lessons, students can learn about themselves and others. America is uniquely positioned to acknowledge and enjoy the contributions of people from across the entire world, which is what makes us who we are.

We are proud to support superintendents and education leaders who are leading the next generation of students in developing the skills to be career, college, and civic-ready as well as more ready to thrive in their personal lives through effective communication.

To achieve this goal:

  • We teach students how to think critically, not what to think, ensuring that all students are able to consume complex information, think about it critically, and express their points of view effectively through the CERCA Framework.
  • We support the creation of safe spaces in classrooms where all students can share empathetic and respectful dialogue with each other and learn to value other perspectives and experiences. We believe that engaging in civic dialogue is part of career and college readiness and that understanding the experiences of others will lead to a more compassionate community, in which we would all prefer to live. 
  • We publish the highest quality curriculum to ensure predictable student growth results remain our focus: See our results here! 
  • Our curriculum does not require that every lesson is covered in order for students to achieve those results. Our partners can simply implement multiple units of study to achieve those results, including units that districts can custom-create within our platform. Districts can also turn off content that they would prefer to remove from the library with the custom library tools.
  • Our partners are the most knowledgeable and well-positioned to make decisions about their local contexts - we suggest districts curate the content that best meets the needs of their students from our large selection of lessons and curricular units. We will also continue to provide a large selection of curricula that allows districts to choose those lessons that best meet the literacy needs of their students. 
  • We work with districts to create new materials when necessary to ensure local standards and experiences are honored and reflected along with invitations to appreciate the diverse perspectives of the global community in which we live. 
  • Districts are responsible for determining which of those materials teachers use and can work with ThinkCERCA’s team to customize access. 
  • We support and protect all students and educators with the instructional integrity of our curriculum, which is based on learning sciences, including providing evidence-based approaches to teaching history and fostering engagement in multiple perspectives. 
  • We provide support for teams as they engage in professional learning that enables districts to empower students to grow their literacy skills and engage in active citizenship. 
  • We provide support for leaders and school boards who would like to learn more about the impact of ThinkCERCA's curriculum on preparing our students for global citizenship. 

Through a more educated citizenry that is well-equipped to put themselves in the shoes of their neighbors, we will strengthen our democracy and economy in the 21st Century, so all students in our communities have a chance to prosper and drive prosperity for everyone else in their community too.

Please reach out to learn more about how we can work with you to bring members of your community together to understand the value of critical thinking and excellence in literacy.

Best regards,

Eileen Murphy 

Founder and CEO of ThinkCERCA