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Professional Learning

We know the challenges facing school leaders are greater than ever and that the skill and knowledge teachers and leaders bring to their craft is more critical than ever.

Our Mission

We enable our partners to deliver great instruction every day through our platform, pedagogy, and professional learning. With ThinkCERCA, students develop the ability to consume complex information, think about it critically, and express themselves effectively in four core content areas. Research shows that we help students grow 2+ years in reading per year and 20% in writing within two months.

What We Do

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ThinkCERCA aims to partner, not impart.

ThinkCERCA’s Success team is 100% former teachers, principals, and district leaders that provide a strategic school improvement partnership with leaders and teachers. We focus on modeling and practice of classroom execution over click-paths. We also provide consultative services like curriculum alignments, learning walk observations, and strategic planning.




In partnership with district leaders for nearly a decade to successfully implement best practices in literacy. Our playbook is based on our learning and the models of partnerships that drive the largest gains. 


Leadership Development

Increase school leadership capacity for systematic use of data and assessment. 


Instructional Best Practices

Build teacher capacity by enabling tools for use in the classroom in all types of environments. 



Data Literacy

Use Literacy Dashboards and training circuits for both administrators and teachers. 




Make MTSS Sustainable

Offer teacher and team support for making MTSS doable in tier 1. 




Curriculum Alignment

Develop cross-curricular plan for literacy and critical thinking instruction. 



What We Offer

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Professional Learning

A training series for deeper learning opportunities, where content and skills development builds over time.

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Professional Services

Evaluation and consultative programs designed to take the burden off teacher or administrative teams.

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PD On-Demand 

Bite-sized content available 24/7 such as Foundational Literacy Resources, Assessments, and more.

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How We Deliver It

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Virtual PD



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In-Person PD

Who We've Worked With

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Through our first year of implementation, ThinkCERCA was such a valuable thought partner in helping us craft and adapt PD throughout the year that was going to meet our most immediate needs. ThinkCERCA offers a customized plan of support based on our data and feedback from our teachers and campus leaders. Just this year alone, ThinkCERCA has provided in-person sessions, hybrid sessions, and multiple one-on-one sessions."

ThinkCERCA has been a big support for me as I've tried to lead this through the classrooms.

One of the reasons the teachers have been so successful with TC is if they have a question, they can get it answered."



Have a unique need?

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ThinkCERCA can work with you to build the perfect session for your teachers or leaders!

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